A negative situation comes into everyone’s life. It may arise in your personal life like facing a financial crisis or in professional life as not getting the promotion or exact salary. These situations are common in every 2nd person’s life but what makes it a negative situation is your negative emotions perceiving it. According to the research on mind psychology, it is a human tendency to blame or perceive in a negative manner. This happens in everyone’s life from a poor rickshaw driver to a billionaire. But some come out of this in a shiny better way whereas some hold on to it. This is what makes successful people exceptional from the mass. Life does not offer rainbows every time to you, you need to walk in rough with the smooth to gain success in life.

Self-talk (positive or negative)

The first step in dealing with negative situations is to have self-talk with ourselves. As it has been rightly said that nobody can make you feel the negativity more than you. If you take the situation negatively, then it’s a negative situation. It’s like answering if your glass is half full or half empty. As your outlook over things reflects positivity and negativity.

Many of us believe that positive thinking is like ignoring life’s less pleasant instances, but not. Positive thinking means you're facing the unpleasant situations of life in a productive manner. There exists an endless stream of thoughts in our minds. Some thoughts are influenced by logical beliefs whereas some by misconceptions.

  • Some of the ways you can use to interpret whether your self-talk is negative or not;
    You are prone to personalizing things. In simpler words, you automatically blame yourself for any small bad occurring.
  • You are mastered in catastrophizing. That is you anticipate the worst. If something wrong happens in the morning you believe the whole day is a disaster now.
  • Most common, Polarizing. You filter things based on either good or bad, nothing in between.


Turn Negativity into positivity:

It’s normal to have negative thoughts, but it is venom for yourself when it starts ruling your mind. A mind full of negative mindset makes you feel like carrying a heavy rock in a desert path. This majorly affects your mood, feelings, and health. The alternative to change this is to turn the negativity around you in a positive manner. Here listing some steps to turn the negative situation into a positive one.

  • Recognize yourself and become mindful in the midst of negative situations.
  • Raise your vibration. Turn your reactive phase into a proactive phase.
  • Re-establish yourself by having control over your actions and reactions.

Deal with negative situations like a pro :

You can deal with such situations by having a positive outlook. The process is not at all complex but it majorly asks for persistence and dedication. It takes time as it is much like creating a new habit. But this habit is going to be worth it. Below are some ways to think and behave to deal with negative situations.

Focus on finding solutions: When life shows you a tough time, stop tending your focus on problems. Focusing on problems ultimately makes them grow. Either go for finding solutions with a positive attitude.

Repeat affirmations: To divert your mind from a negative situation and to maintain an optimistic mindset. Go for repeating affirmations with full faith.

Rationalize: Try to observe how you are reacting to the situations. Once you acknowledge your reaction was blown out of proportion then rationalize it. Move on forward to prevent further such happenings.

Practicing gratitude is a must: Showing gratitude makes you collect the positive vibes and good in your life, even in the worst situations too.

Approaching the negative situations in a positive manner makes you find persistence, determination, tolerance, patience, and forbearance altogether. Follow the simple steps listed above with full dedication, you will yourself see the difference in life. I am Dr. Manjunath, Speed Reading, and a mind performance coach. I invite you all to join us at a breathtaking experience of gaining positivity in life. For further details contact us at-


  1. How to overcome negativity ? Falling pray to negativity is very easy but to recover from it is very hard . Please tell me the ways to recover from it

  2. Sir u are the best.your workshops are just too good……very well organised.
    Thanks for teaching us many valuable things.

  3. Wow.. superb sir..
    Thank you so very much.. for this post.. it is actually very useful for each n every individual whether working or non working or homemakers too.. today everyone is dealing with negative situations whether at home or outside.. at such times this post is really very needful n helpful..
    helps us to evaluate and recognise ourselves and at times v know our drawbacks but don’t know how to overcome it.. so this turns out to be a v useful post..
    thank you so very much… sir

  4. Absolutely agree Sir, even many a times I got angry and suddenly bursts out of proportion. And after a while or next day I found bad and shameful. I thought I should have handle it in better way. So I have already started calming myself, see the other person in your shoe method. And yes your advice is gem and sounds very practical, ill adopt it, Thanks Sir

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